space technology


Over the past 30 years, Taiwan has established basic space center infrastructure, including integration and testing, research and development laboratories, satellite operation and control facilities, ground stations, and satellite image processing centers. During this period, Taiwan has established a number of space technology capabilities, especially in the fields of satellite platforms, high-resolution remote sensing payloads, multi-satellite operation and control systems, satellite image processing and analysis, and sounding rocket systems. In the future, in addition to continuing to promote the basic research of space science, personnel training and the development of the space industry, it will gradually move towards the goal of building two types of satellite constellations, telemetry satellites and communication satellites.


Taiwan has established a complete industrial chain in the field of 5G mobile communications, and has established globally competitive technology capabilities in the fields of mobile phone chips, radio frequency, base stations, and private networks.

Some fields have also developed towards Beyond 5G. The National Science and Technology Council has begun to deploy 6G technology to meet the global 6G standard schedule. The cross-ministry and industry-university-research cooperation promoted by the National Science and Technology Council not only encourages universities to invest in 6G advanced technology research and development, but also strengthens the layout of 6G key intellectual property, develops prototype systems and related chips, participates in international organizations, and links future innovative applications.

According to the trend in international standards, 3D networks will become a part of the 6G mobile network architecture. The nation is currently gradually accumulating research and development capabilities for low-orbit satellite communication systems. After further integration with the 6G mobile network in the future, it will jointly complete the nation’s 3D network layout and construction in the generation of 6G.

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