


Semiconductors and Quantum Technology

The global semiconductor technology is advancing rapidly, with an increasing number of diversified emerging applications. The National Science and Technology Council, coordinating cross-agency cooperating and division of labor, has initiated the research and development programs for compound semiconductors and Angstrom semiconductors in 2022.



AI has had a tremendous impact on products and services across various industries. Most countries have considered AI a strategic priority. Taiwan possesses excellent academic and research institutions, as well as STEM talents. We have a world-class information and communication technology industry, a comprehensive semiconductor supply chain, and cross-industry integration of applications and services. With its high innovation capabilities, Taiwan has inherent advantages in the development of AI.


Space Technology and 6G

Over the past 30 years, Taiwan has established basic space center infrastructure, including integration and testing, research and development laboratories, satellite operation and control facilities, ground stations, and satellite image processing centers. During this period, Taiwan has established a number of space technology capabilities, especially in the fields of satellite platforms, high-resolution remote sensing payloads, multi-satellite operation and control systems, satellite image processing and analysis, and sounding rocket systems. In the future, in addition to continuing to promote the basic research of space science, personnel training and the development of the space industry, it will gradually move towards the goal of building two types of satellite constellations, telemetry satellites and communication satellites.

cyber security

Cyber Security

Since there is a wide application of information and communication services; cyber security plays a key role in our national security and even the aspects of the social-economic application with technology innovation policies. Respond to international trends and emerging types of cyber security attacks and threats, we will continue to develop our cyber security protection capabilities and advantages on the existing basis and aspects of defense. Our national cyber security policy has undergone systematic development in the first five stages, and gradually achieved the scheduled milestones to effectively reinforce the readiness of national cyber security. The objectives are as follows: 'the establishment of a safe environment of cyber security; the completion of cyber security protection management; sharing of multiple cybersecurity information; the expansion of the cultivation of cyber security talents; and the reinforcement of international cyber security exchanges.'.

precision health

Precision Health

In 2020, the government launched the Taiwan Precision Health Initiative to establish the country as a global leader in precision health and emerging technology. This initiative will develop cutting-edge biomedical technology for precision health through strategies which leverage Taiwan’s expertise in ICT manufacturing as well as the cross-sector integration of AI, big data and IoT.

net zero technology

Net Zero Technology

Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is a global endeavor and a national objective for Taiwan, whose success will be heavily reliant upon scientific innovation and technological breakthroughs. To this end, in March 2022 the government published a plan for Taiwan's Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050, which identified five main areas for the development of net-zero-related science and technology, and in March the following year approved a net-zero science and technology program.

defense technology

Defense Technology

Taiwan faces unprecedented challenges from the current international political and economic environment and regional security situation, which are also excellent opportunities. Hence, Taiwan must establish new industrial and national defense strategies to expand the promotion of national defense independence, conduct research and development in cutting-edge technologies, and invest in outstanding talents, which will drive overall industry upgrade in Taiwan. Therefore, while faced with the challenges of the new era and basing on the experience and foundation accumulated in the past, the government continues to promote the independence of national defense and the development of dual-use technology, from the national defense industry in the 'Five plus two' innovative industries plan to the national defense and strategic industry in the 'Program for Promoting Six Core Strategic Industries'. It also provides resources in the long-term to stably cultivate talents.

humanities social

Humanities and Social Issues

In order to realize Taiwan’s 2035 vision of 'Foresight and Innovation; Democracy and Inclusiveness; Resilience and Sustainability', the government must respond to the needs of people's lives and society, and combine the power of science and technology to drive the overall transformation of the country from the perspectives of humanities and society.
