
Enhancing Taiwan-Czech Science and Technology Coopera-tion


Delegation led by Czech Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Markéta Pekarová Adamová meets with Minister Tsung-Tsong Wu

On Monday, March 27, Minister without Portfolio and National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Minister Tsung-Tsong Wu met with a delegation led by Czech Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Markéta Pekarová Adamová.

During the meeting, Minister Wu and Speaker Adamová exchanged views and explored avenues for bilateral cooperation and talent exchange in semicon-ductors. Minister Wu highlighted the significance of enhancing international sci-ence and technology cooperation, specifically through sharing Taiwan’s experi-ence in promoting semiconductor research and development capabilities.

Speaker Adamová expressed her appreciation of international scientific coop-eration, in particular programs that facilitate talent exchange. Deputy Minister of Science, Research, and Innovation, Dr. Jana Havlíková suggested that future co-operation might include areas of space, medicine and quantum.

The meeting also included presentations about plans to promote Taiwan-Czech talent cultivation and chip design capability development programs. Minister Wu was pleased that key Czech figures such as Deputy Minister of Sci-ence, Research, and Innovation Jana Havlíková contributed to the planning. Moreover, Minister Wu stated that the delegation will get a deeper understanding of Taiwan’s technology ecosystem by visiting the National Applied Research La-boratories (NARLabs) Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI) later this week.

In an effort to promote bilateral S&T cooperation with the Czech Republic, the NSTC has maintained long-term partnerships with the Czech Science Foun-dation (GACR), the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) and the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS). Minister Wu and Speaker Adamová ex-pressed that they look forward to enhancing S&T cooperation and supporting joint research and talent exchange that involves researchers and young scientists from both Taiwan and the Czech Republic in the future.

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